We renew the website
13 January, 2023
The updating and renovation of this web page is is a public subsidized by “Gipuzkoako Artisauak” (“Artisans of Gipuzkoa) and the Department of Economic Promotion, Rural Tourism of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, and is public (2022).
New point of sale · Estudio Imatra, Bilbao
6 January, 2023
Since its creation in January 1989, Imatra has focused on a field where the most advanced professional designs, art, architecture, urban planning and contemporary technology converge.
It collaborates with leading professionals in the disciplines that make up its activity, with the intention of providing professional attention to Public and Private Organizations and Institutions, according to the complexity and uses and customs of the current society, in matters related to CONTEMPORARY HABITAT.
In 2014, it stopped its activity, after 25 uninterrupted years (1989/2014) in the emblematic place that was the old Café del Puerto, on Calle Vda. The intersection between Esperanza and Sendeja was immortalized in an excellent oil painting by the painter Arteta from Epalza.
It is also a meeting place for sailors: “where navigators are sought and found”, as Carlos Bacigalupe glossed in his excellent anthology: Cafés Parlantes de Bilbao (des Romanticismo hasta la Belle Epoque).
Today Imatra continues its activity in the restored industrial pavilion at 12-14 Calle Costa in BILBO, in the exhibition and customer service space that began in 2000 with the INDOMESTICO collective exhibition.
POP UP STORE · Donostia-San Sebastián
Tienda POP UP
7, 8 y 9 de octubre en JF Estudio de Interiores
Paseo de Errondo 4 – 20010 Donostia-San Sebastián