

10 febrero, 2017


Photographs: José Luis Lopez de Zubiria //

»Re-Ball« (2016) consists of a series of round objects created by recycling the remains of the artist’s textile production. Looking like balls, these objects are made up of strips of fabric selected based on their textures and colours. The fabrics were treated and finished using artisanal techniques and new technologies such as dyeing and digital printing. The weight and shape of the balls are the result of a slow rotational movement and strong manual compression exerted on the recycled strips.

The ball is an object created by human using craft methods. In its manufacture, various materials have been used throughout history. Today, the ball is an everyday object. In addition to its practical dimension especially present in different types of games, in cultural terms the ball represents a universal object that can be found in many religious rituals.

»Re-Ball« is a self-referential work that points to the complex relation between creation and repetition. Each of the balls conceals a space that contains the elements of its composition and is unique, due to its colour and texture. These elements must be understood as continuous quotations narrating a history of origin, and finally giving rise to an unrepeatable series.